We are proud to announce the launch of CareAcademy Insights, a product designed to help agency and franchise managers stay on top of their caregivers' compliance status. CareAcademy Insights is an email product that delivers actionable insights to agency and franchise...
Month: February 2023
Caregiver Burnout Prevention Certification
We're excited to announce the launch of our newest certification - the Caregiver Burnout Prevention Certification! This certification is aimed at providing caregivers with strategies and resources to help them identify and cope with burnout. Unlike other CareAcademy...
Product Updates Feb 2023
February has been an exciting month for us so far, we have three new updates that we think will make a big difference for our customers1. Franchisor Dashboard UI Updates: We're excited to announce that we've made an important update to our Franchisor dashboard!...
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